Results Photos

Below are a collection of comparison photos that you can use on your social media pages and promotional materials. Do not modify the images other than adding before and after labels.

CytoGro Results



Treated (left) - Untreated (right)

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

Aqua-T Results

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)



Untreated (left) - Treated (right)



Untreated (left) - Treated (right)



Untreated (left) - Treated (right)



GelTrak Results

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)



Treated (left) - Untreated (right)



ArborPlex Results

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

Treated (left - Untreated (right)

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

Hydretain Results

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

Untreated Area vs Treated

This photo shows the very first test of Hydretain on turfgrass. The entire lawn was as green and healthy looking as the center section prior to a six week drought.

Untreated Area vs Treated

Sorry Neighbor: The winner of a Hydretain photo contest, this photo showcases how dramatic the difference can be between your customer's lawn and their neighbors.

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

Impatiens hanging basket on the right was treated. Both plants were watered. Photo taken after 3 days with no water at all.

Treated (left) - Untreated (right)

One month after application

Treated (left) - Untreated (right)

Treated city soccer field compared to the untreated common area.

Treated (left) - Untreated (right)

Two weeks after treatment: Hydretain treated Chrysanthemums are on average 67% larger with half the water compared to untreated controls.

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

One week without water

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

After two days without water and over 100 degrees, the control declined severely in comparison to the Hydretain treated Lantana.

Treated (left) - Untreated (right)

Turfgrass grow-in from sprigs 8 weeks after application.

Before (left) - After (right)

The 14th fairway at Banyan had a chronic dry spot problem caused by cap rock with little top soil. The superintendent battled this problem for 15 years until trying Hydretain. Hydretain solved the problem and with regular treatments, at 3 month intervals, prevented its return.

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

Treated (left) - Untreated (right)

Begonias were planted on June 1st. Plants on the left were treated one week after planting. Both were watered at the time of application. The flowers on the right have been watered to keep them alive. The only water the treated plants received was rainwater. No fertilizer was applied to either side. Picture was taken on August 5th.

Before (left) - After (right)



Treated (left) - Untreated (right)

Untreated (left) - Treated (right)

Treated (left) - Untreated (right)

Watering reduced from 3x per week overhead and 2x per weekhand-watering to 2x per week overhead and no hand-watering.

